Sunday, March 28, 2010

Phoenix Life Science Lab


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Science has fascinated me right from my school days.  This fascination has only increased with the passage of time, so much so that I now want to spend a lifetime delving into its deep mysteries, mysteries that are slowly  unfolding themselves as one hears of the stupendous strides made by researchers, and specially so in the field of microbiology.

It was 1994 and the very beginning of school for me.  St. Xavier’s was the name of my school, and it took me through my three R’s- -reading, (w)riting and (a)rithmetic.  Science as a subject was introduced in grade III and since then the wonders of science have not ceased to delight me.  Scientific explanations for everyday happenings were eye-openers that often simplified complex stuff.   Geology as a subject was added to the school curriculum, bringing new insight and knowledge of the world around me.   By the time Biology and Astronomy became a part of my study in school, I knew that Science had me hooked for life. 

The wonders that science unfolded truly mesmerized me and it seemed that there was so much to learn, so much waiting to be discovered, new knowledge waiting to be harnessed and I wanted to be part of it.  I got myself equipped with a laboratory at home, nothing fancy, something rather small, but enough to let me experiment and learn new stuff, even verify the old at a pace that I could dictate. I participated in the Dr. Homi Baba Young Scientist Examination at national level in year 2004 and at various school science projects and exhibitions, and I knew that this was where I wanted to be, immersed in the fascinating world of science. 

Fascinated as I was with science, the introduction of Biology as another subject at school, opened new doors of knowledge.  It was the time of discovery of the genome, the stem cells and DNA substitution.  This had me enthralled and I gleaned what knowledge I could from Encyclopedias, surfing the internet, and TV channels like the Discovery, Animal Planet, and the National Geographic.   I read books and journals and yet there was more to learn and more find out. 

Amazing were the discoveries made in the field of genetics, some of them truly mind boggling with the vistas and possibilities that they opened up.  I want to be a part of this.  I want to be there opening new doors in genetics, cellular biology and immunity, to be a part of the learning process, to be a part of the discovery.  It is an exciting world out there with knowledge in microbiology making giant strides and I want to match my strides with theirs.

In year 2008 commenced my Bachelors of Science in Microbiology. It was a big moment which set off my journey in life science; working with prokaryotes and lower Eukaryotes I began understanding the base of life, understanding how the life evolved from these simple yet complex organisms into the more complex and compound living species on this planet. A microbiology section had been added to my Laboratory.

I could envision the journey of life in my curriculums and understanding its multifarious principles in lab sessions.  Further in this course I was introduced to diversified branches of life science and medicine Immunology, Genetics, medical microbiology and biotechnology. I had now comprehended the knowledge and recognized hard work of the scientist and their collaboration. Mystery of Life science was slowly unwinding itself.

 I was hooked for a life time with life science more over I had to take a stand and determine which field I shall pursue for my Masters. During the graduation I learned was how functioning of cell, how it evolved from prokaryotes  into complex eukaryotic species we know today, the pathogens and the defense of Immune system to prevent infection and the host-parasite interaction, the biochemical and physiological process of the microbes which yield most of the fermented and pharmaceutical products. I has to choose between genetics and stem cells.

Genetics all I had understood about life has functioned at molecular and genetical levels it’s been one of the most brainstorming thoughts in my mind how did a biomolecule, DNA evolved as a core genetic material which made the cell function and even controlled their activities. I wanted to know more. Study of Molecular bases of life was a field of deep interest, which could provide me the deep insights of the relation of genes with function genes with protein synthesis and of proteins with functions.

Stem cells, on the other hand would make me understand the differentiation of a cell from a unicellular zygote into a multicellular organism with a complex organ system. The differentiation of progenitors into specific cells which form tissues and organs. The science of stem cell could cure degenerative disease and help treat them. Study of these stem cells can help understand the organization of organs, physiology and division of labor better.

I was overwhelmed by this conflicts in my mind; which one to choose? Genetics, cellular biology, molecular biology? or Stem cells, cellular biology, regenerative medicines? It was hard to choose I wanted to work on cancer research but I also wanted to find a study and cure degenerative disease. Then I realized the question was not about what I wanted to do the question is what I needed to study to achieve my goals. Goals? Since the time I was introduced to Science my goal to be the part of the learning process, to be the part of the discovery!

I now had my goal in front of me; I recollected a memory of working in the lab with an E coli strain DH5a, I was transforming it with plasmid PBR32. I could recollect my mentor talking about the discovery of plasmid and the advantage it provided in genetics and biotechnology. Joshua Lederberg; discovered the F plasmid in E coli. His work has helped scientist understand the bacterial genetics and how the pathogens develop resistance of antibiotics. Joshua Lederberg was an American Molecular biologist. Since the day I came across the Discovery in genetics since then I wanted to open doors for genetics and watch myself taking giant strides.

Molecular Biology and Human genetics was the Subject I chose for my Master’s program for year 2012 at my alma mater Manipal Life Science Centre at Manipal University. And so there will be a Molecular biology section at PLSL soon...